How can we help you?

Who can add a business on The Afro Hair Plug?

Anyone can submit a listing, and we highly encourage all visitors to add any hairdressers, barbers and trichologists that welcome afro hair and are not already listed on this website.

How do I add a business?

If it is not yet listed on The Afro Hair Plug, you can add your business here.

Note: If the business you want to add doesn’t work with afro hair, the submission will not be listed. Read our business listing guidelines before submitting your listing.

Will it cost me anything to have my business listed on your website?

No. It's free.

The Afro Hair Plug is a public service website to assist those in need of afro hair services find hairdressers, barbers and trichologits anywhere around the world.

My business is pretty small. In fact I’m just starting out. Is that a problem?

Absolutely not. In fact we welcome talented hairdressers, barber and trichologists starting out and trying to build a rep. We’d be happy to talk you through how you can position your business.

Great, so if I submit a request to have my business listed how long will it take to process the request?

We will strive is to get it turned around within a week, but some may take longer.

Will you ever reject a request?

Yes, if the request doesn’t meet our posting guidelines

How do I update any details for my business?

You can email us at: business@theafrohairplug.com

What about if I decide I want to get my business removed from your site?

Ouch. Ok, so we do understand that a businesses may want to remove their listing for any number of reasons. However it is essential for the integrity of the site for us to be an independent source of truth for our user base. So, for that reason we think it's critical that businesses remain visible once listed.

That said there are some exceptions. If you're not a registered company that is publicly listed we would remove your business at request.

If you are a registered company we would remove your listing if:

  1. Your business has permanently has closed
  2. If your business has moved
  3. If your business has a new name.