Dreadlock Boo

Damage, 2 Trafalgar street, Brighton, BN1 4EQ, UK

About Dreadlock Boo

I am a loctician based in a eco friendly and cruelty free salon in the Brighton lanes. I have been doing dreads for about 16 years on all hair types. I mainly work with crochet method. I’m also a qualified hairdresser and can do colouring too.

For more of my work you can look on my Instagram as @Dreadlockboo.

Treatments and styles offered

  • Colour
  • Dreadlocks
  • Hair loss


  • Free Wifi
Phone number
Opening hours
10.30-6pm Monday - Friday
Damage, 2 Trafalgar street, Brighton, BN1 4EQ, UK

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