Sunset Beautie

About Sunset Beautie

My name is Lalina and I am a Sussex student running a small black owned business in Brighton.

I specialise in acrylic nails, quality custom press on nails and afro hair braiding. I am mobile, certified and insured.

My prices are extremely affordable and I also have student discounts and other offers available!

I do regular giveaways and will be doing monthly raffles to raise money for BLM charities & initiatives!

Free UK shipping when you spend £15 or more on press ons.

£1 when you spend under £15.

£3.50 for International shipping.

Visit my page @sunsetbeautie and let me give you an overnight glow up!

Treatments and styles offered

  • Bantu knots
  • Braids
  • Cornrows
  • Dreadlocks
  • Faux locs
  • Twists


  • Free Wifi
Phone number
Opening hours
Mon-Sun 12:00-19:00
House calls
Brighton, Lewes and Worthing

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