Cuttlefish Eco Salon

31 Gloucester Road, Brighton, BN1 4AQ, UK

About Cuttlefish Eco Salon

Long established as Brighton’s first "Eco Salon", Cuttlefish has excelled within the hair industry, going from strength to strength. With strong foundations set in the heart of our thriving city by the sea, plus an ever-growing thirst for bringing an unparalleled approach to hair, those of us at Cuttlefish pride ourselves on providing a bespoke, eco-friendly experience in a relaxed environment.

Our team of highly trained hairdressers and colourists bring their own unique skills and specialities to the table. We Specialise in curly hair and have Deva Curl technicians in both our salons. Our work is creative, exciting and individually tailored to you, the client. On top of that, because we care about what’s best for our customers, our staff and the environment we are constantly sourcing what we believe are the cleanest and greenest products available - vegan and as sustainable as possible.

Treatments and styles offered

  • Colour
  • Conditioning treatment
  • Deva cut
  • Hair cut
  • Hair wash
  • Texturiser


  • Seating area
  • Free Wifi
Phone number
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10am - 7pm Wednesday10am- 5pm
31 Gloucester Road, Brighton, BN1 4AQ, UK

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